The Harsh Truths of Being an Entrepreneur
- Written by Samantha Johnson

Seriously. Work for someone else. It’s easier.
I’m going to tell you all the reasons why being self employed is really, really difficult. The cold, hard truths. And, if the entrepreneur life is for you, you’re going to do it anyway - just as I did.
Firstly, the hours. Forget paid leave, email free holidays, weekends. Even when you do rest (which will be a battle), your creative brain will come alive and fire on all cylinders.
You’ll just be settling in to your first novel in five years and *ping* it’s the ideas you’ve been desperate for, rushing at you like a Spring downpour.
Secondly, the weight of expectation. Being self employed is the ultimate bet on yourself. Do you secretly believe that you’re cleverer than nearly everyone else in your circle?
Do you spend your work days drumming your fingertips waiting for your colleagues to catch up with your superior intellectual ability? I hope so, because you’re going to need to be smart enough to innovate and improve constantly.
Thirdly, I hope you absolutely love feedback. Adore it. Seek it out at every opportunity, especially from people who bear no resemblance to your target customer. Because it’s coming for you in boatloads. Unrequited, of course.
Next, do you have the patience of a saint? Can you smile through the fifth repeated explanation of an obvious concept? Because no one is going to spend the time, or go as deep as you are. It will not be blindingly obvious to them, even if it is to you.
And, the truth is, that when they don’t understand - it is your failure to be clear, not their failure to follow. And that realisation is going to sting.
And finally, are you truly obsessed with cash flow? You are not allowed to hide under the desk when the accountant comes knocking.
And, given the huge personal sacrifice involved in being self employed, the weight of responsibility and the continued unquenchable desire for growth - you’re going to need to make sure you have everything you need in your life to support you in making this great leap. And that means ensuring there’s the cash you need to support you in the life that you want.
But. If you’re the hardest working, cleverest, most patient feedback receiver you know, with a head for numbers? What are you waiting for? You’ve completely got this. And in fact, it will be the best thing that you ever did.
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