Veeqo Unboxed Q1 2024: A Quarterly Update on What’s New
- Written by Aisling Miller

How long does it take to fulfill each of your orders? What if you could fulfill them 10x faster? So far this year, we’ve released 11 new features to help you reduce your cost-per-customer.
1. Identify and merge orders from the same customer
Multiple orders from the same customer? Merge them in a flash! We automatically identify orders from the same customer and suggest you combine them into one shipment - saving you time and shipping costs. Find out more about merging orders in Veeqo.

2. Sort orders table by SKU, Customer or Bin Location
The orders table is now a lot more flexible!
You can now effortlessly sort the orders table by SKU, customer, or bin location, and print documents in that order too - allowing you to streamline your operations. View all available orders table customization.

3. Smart order routing
Automatically assign orders to the nearest location or warehouse to your customer so the package travels through the minimum number of zones.
To set up, navigate to your store settings > select ‘show advanced settings’ > enable "Should Veeqo allocate an order to the closest location in the list below?" > save changes. Done!

4. Shipping metrics report
See your shipping metrics per carrier including the total number of shipments and charges in a selected time period. Find out more about our shipping metrics report.
5. Invoice template improvements
You are now able to add line item notes and customer notes to the invoice.
These notes can help pickers pick the correct product variant and customize the product based on the customer request.
This can be added to the invoice by visiting Settings > Printing Templates > Invoice and turning on the toggle for ‘Item notes’ and/or ‘Customer notes’.
6. Print the integrated packing slip with shipping label in landscape orientation
You now have the option to select landscape orientation for your integrated packing slips.
To print this template in landscape, visit Settings > Printing Templates > Integrated Packing Slip with Shipping Label and select ‘Landscape’ in the dropdown under ‘Orientation’.
7. Packing slip template improvements
We've made two improvements to our packing slip template! You are now able to add line item notes for products on the packing slip.
These notes can help pickers pick the correct product variant and/or customize the product based on the customer request.
To add line item notes to your picking slip template, visit Settings > Printing Templates > Packing Slip and turn the toggle on for ‘Item notes’.
To help find products in the warehouse while picking, you now have the option to add bin location to the packing slip.
To add bin location to your picking slip template, visit Settings > Printing Templates > Packing Slip and turn the toggle on for ‘Bin location’.
8. Shipping label template improvements
We've released two improvements to our shipping label template!
You are now able to print the order number onto the shipping label for your USPS, UPS, FedEx, and DHL labels. This can be added to your shipping template by visiting Settings > Printing Templates > Shipping Label and selecting ‘Order #’ from the dropdown of one of the custom messages.
We have also increased SKU font size to 14px for enhanced readability.
9. Upgrades to the Veeqo transaction report
Your feedback helped shape the latest upgrades to the Veeqo transaction report, ensuring it caters to your accounting and auditing needs.
We're excited to announce the following updates to the report:
Export your transaction report for seamless accounting (limited to 31 days of results)
Easily filter the report by date, streamlining your data analysis. Gain insight into credit card payments and Veeqo Credit redemptions within the report itself.
Visit the transaction report here.
10. Multiple UI and performance improvements
We’ve also made a number of UI and performance improvements including:
View 50% more orders in the orders table with more compact rows
Keep more information in view by automatically adjusting column widths in the orders table when you add or remove columns
The actions bar now stays in view at the top of the orders page when you scroll to speed up bulk shipping
The orders table now loads faster!
More surprises in store
And there's more! We're working tirelessly to bring you even more features and enhancements and we want to give you a glimpse of what’s to come over the next few months.
Remember the size and weight of each product
Once you specify the dimensions and weight of a single product in an order, we'll remember it for future orders with the same product.
Bulk print your shipping labels even faster
We’re combining ‘Buy and Print’ into one action so that you can continue with other tasks as the labels print.
Veeqo Unboxed isn't just an update on what we've launched but a promise of our commitment to continue innovating and building new features for our sellers.
We'll be back next quarter with another update on what we've released and what's coming up - but if you can't wait that long, keep an eye on our changelog where we let you know what's been released as and when it happens.