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February 2020 Product Update: What’s New in Veeqo Over the Past Month?

  • Written by Jade Gould
February 2020 Product Update: What’s New in Veeqo Over the Past Month?

The product team at Veeqo really hit the ground running in January. With 2020 looking to be our most ambitious year yet, we spent the last month ramping up our biggest features and improvements being released later on in the year. But that’s not all we worked on… Each month we are continuously releasing new features, with January being no exception. Let’s take a look at what's been happening over the past month, what's to come soon, and a cheeky throw back to one of our older features you might have missed ;)

SEE ALSO: Veeqo Changelog: A Daily Update of New Veeqo Updates

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New features launched in the past month

Along with BETA testing, bug fixing and UI changes all in the works, January also included some pretty cool feature releases...

1) Warehouse team report - hourly break down

You can now see a more refined report of your warehouse team's daily progress by breaking it down by the hour. Just select the dates you want to review and you'll get an hourly breakdown of the items picked - giving you a clear view of how productive your team is throughout the day. Take a look at our help guides here to get started with reporting in Veeqo.

2) UPS direct delivery option

Veeqo now integrates with UPS Direct Delivery for all single shipments. Meaning you can guarantee any high-value orders will only be delivered directly to your customer, and not left with a neighbour or in a safe space. Learn more about Veeqo's direct shipping integrations.

3) Include deleted shipments in order history

Any shipments you've previously deleted can now be seen in your Veeqo order history. The information will include:

  • Date and time deleted.
  • Who deleted the shipment.
  • The shipping carrier.

Meaning you and your team can see an accurate record of every single order as it passes through your warehouse. Learn more about order management in Veeqo.

Coming soon...

Here’s what’s on the horizon for Veeqo Retailers in the coming weeks...

1) Bulk allocate stock to orders in Veeqo

Veeqo Retailers will soon be able to allocate stock to different orders in bulk. A great way for your warehouse team to save time by cutting another manual process from their workflow. Learn more about warehouse management in Veeqo.

Feature of the month

A lot like an employee of the month, our long-standing features often need some recognition. Features that often don't get the attention they deserve - old or new, we think they can bring a lot of value to your team. So in each month's roundup post we'll be highlighting some Veeqo features you might not know about... but probably wish you'd started using sooner ;)

Process payments directly in Veeqo ????

Our 'Feature of the Month' for February is the ability to process card payments for any order created in Veeqo. This has been possible to do in Veeqo for a while but is incredibly useful when doing phone sales, wholesale orders or while out visiting customers in person. Our integration with Stripe lets you sign in to your stripe account, and instantly start taking card details and payments when creating manual Veeqo orders. Take a look at our help guide here on how to start taking payments.

An exciting month, with a lot more to come

There's a lot more coming in Veeqo throughout 2020. So make sure to keep an eye on these monthly blog posts to keep up to date with all the latest updates and releases. Or add your email below and we'll send it straight to your inbox every month:

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And if you can’t wait that long, head over to the Veeqo Changelog for daily updates on all our latest features.

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About the author


Written by Jade Gould

Product Marketing Manager at Veeqo

A Bristolian lost in Wales, with a strong belief that food is the answer to everything. Lover of all things design and avid illustrator.

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